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Klaus Störtebecker


Treason and Execution: talk to the head of Klaus Störtebeker!

The talking head of Klaus Störtebeker serves as the highlight of the new staging of the life and death of the legendary pirate. The most innovative projectors help bring the head of the revered “Likedeeler” back to life, making it seem almost deceptively real as Störtebeker interacts with his pirate crew. Over the course of three shows you will become a part of this pirate crew which intends to save their beloved leader from execution in the year 1401.

After a rocky trip to the Grasbrook, anchor yourself and take a deep breath because now you will bear witness to Störtebeker’s beheading – and how his head, after it has been placed on a spike – starts speaking. Blood lust permeates the air: will it be your head that rolls next?

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